Friday, December 27, 2013

What Can I Do? - A New Year's Resolution

I usually stay away from making new year's resolutions, primarily because like a great many of us, myself included, within the first few months of the new year, those resolutions go out the window! If the Lord allows the world to stand and my life to continue, I am making a resolution; my resolution is based on the question: What can I do? This year I am going to endeavor to make and keep my resolution; because you see, it is not about me but about doing the will of my Father. Notice I said Father, not father.

As I was reading an article in The Gospel Minutes ( entitled "What Can I Do?" I realized with great sadness that I am not doing all that I can for the Lord. For one, I don't invite people to the Lord's service. Sure, I don't have many friends where I live, but I know enough people until I should be able to invite someone to service. That would include my family members as well. Take an example from the Bible where Andrew invited his brother Simon to meet Jesus; and looked what happened, they became close friends: Jesus and Simon (commonly known as Peter) John 1:40-42  I (we) can't save the world and shouldn't try, however, I (we) can start with one person!

I also don't pray enough, and I should-we should! We need to pray for ourselves and others. Prayer keeps us alert, prayer heals us, prayer takes the focus off us. Prayer is our intimate, ultimate, conversation with God. Colossians 4:2-4 Our prayers should be continuous, there should be no part of our world that we don't invite God in through prayer.

I need to love more and that love has to be unconditional. I have to love those that don't love me. I have to constantly show love and get over myself! And I need to learn not to complain about anything or anyone. Everything I do has to be done with a love that does not look for anything in return. After all, Jesus loved us unconditionally; so much so until he gave his life for us without a second thought, and we absolutely were/are not worth it! 1 Peter 4:7-9; 1 John 4:9-11

I also realize the gifts that God has given to me. I am good with planning and orchestrating events for the ladies at my congregation. I am also a good cook. I don't "need" to use these gifts, I "have" to use them! God gave them to me, and I need to be willing to use them to spread the Gospel to the best of my ability. If I can bring my Christian sisters together for fellowship by spearheading a program; if I can show non-members what a glorious thing it is to be part of the Body of Christ; if I can bring women together to showcase their individual talents, then that is what I should do! 1 Peter 4:10-11; Ephesians 4:15-16

So exactly what is my new year's resolution? To do all I can to promote the Gospel of Christ, and I resolve to do this by
  • Creating a personal atmosphere that will so engage me with others that they will be receptive to my initiations to hear the Word;
  • Pray more for myself and especially others without selfishness or hypocrisy;
  • To love more and unconditionally; and,
  • To use the gifts God has given me to bless others through support, creativity, leadership and always being ready to do service for the Lord, regardless of what it is.
 Can I challenge you to do the same? Remember it is not, never has been and never will be about you. Don't wait until January 1st - start today!

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