Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Spiritual Bargain Hunting

We all like a good bargain when we can get one, and some of us will shop until we drop to find the best deal. Then there are some who don't know what a real bargain is. They'll buy a dozen of the organic eggs they prefer at their usual grocery store on sale for $3.49, when the regular price for the same eggs are $2.99 at the competitor's store.

It is a well known fact that some stores raise prices before putting the same items on sale for the regular price! Then there are those cheap 'same-like' products that turn out to not be a bargain because they are just not the real thing. Cheap substitutes are not bargains! Unfortunately, people looking for a church home let their desire for a discount drive their search.  Therefore, in that desperate search we allow ourselves to be exploited, made merchandise of.(2 Peter 2:1-3)

The quest for "a" church, instead of "the" church leads us to buy into a religion that accepts anyone because it is cheap; it's a bargain. Here is what the bargain offers: no challenges-you're always right no matter what you do; salvation is offered to everyone whether or not they obey the Scriptures; don't have to reform your life (according to the Scriptures), you can be saved just the way you are! Wow...that is a bargain! An awfully "scary" one!

You can join the church of your choice; one church is as good as another. You don't have to really attend services, not really....just send in your contribution. You don't even have to go to church at all! Actually, if you don't like organized religion, you don't have to be a part of anything - live a morally good life, treat people right, give, and you'll sail on up there to be with God and His Heavenly Host! Really? Keep it convenient for yourself. What a deal! You don't need to bother searching for the truth to see if "your church" is the true church that Jesus instituted. You just go ahead and opt for the one your family has been attending forever, or the one closes to home. Don't bother to examine it. Don't bother to ask questions. Don't bother to study it....Hmmm, don't believe your soul is in danger....Really? How sad!

There are thousands of denominations, all competing for membership. -For one thing-where is the scripture for denominations in the Bible?- Just choose the church of your choice. But, who are you? The truth of the matter is, when we are given more one than one choice, we will more than likely make the wrong choice. Anyway, where in the Scriptures where you given a choice? So instead of choosing the church of your choice, why not simply choose the church of God's choice:
          Jesus said He would build His church (singular, as in one) Matthew 16:18
          Saved people are "added" to His church - the Lord's church Acts:247
          He (Jesus) is the head of 'the' (one) church Colossians 1:18
          One one church was purchased with His blood (when He-Jesus died on the cross) Acts 20:18
          He saves one church Ephesians 5:23
          There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, 
          one faith, one baptism,One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in
          you all.Ephesians 4:4-6 - How much clearer can it be?

James 4:12-17 *People are shopping around for a church home, but the reality of it is God has already provided a church family for us, you don't need to shop because there is absolutely no bargain hunting with the Lord. His terms are the only one; God does not offer bargains for salvation. He didn't offer Naaman a bargain. 2 Kings 5:8-14 and he is not going to give us one 2 Timothy 4:3-4.

Religion is not a place to go looking for bargains. Our eternal salvation depends on what we choose. How unfortunate for us when we reject our Lord and Savior because we thought we could cut corners!

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