Tuesday, November 26, 2013

When "he" doesn't love you, "He" always loves you!

And the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone. I will make a helper comparable to him. Genesis 2:18

I like to post from life experiences because I never know who is  reading at any given time and how that particular post may have a positive impact on the reader. One of my goals in life is to make a difference; to be able to impart some words of comfort through the sharing of my lived experiences, whether those experiences made me cry with joy or cry in pain. For I know that as Christians we are going to suffer, however, we can turn the suffering into learning lessons for ourselves and others. 1 Peter 4:12; 2 Corinthians 1:4

So this takes me to the above verse from Genesis. None of us want to spend our lives alone. Even those of us who like solitude, at a certain point, would like to share time with a special person. Unfortunately, some times that special person doesn't turn out to be as special was we would like for him to be.

The pain of realizing someone's feelings for you are not nearly as strong as yours are for them can be quite devastating. You are left to wonder why he doesn't love you like he told you he did. You vacillate between moving on and staying, thinking that maybe he isn't good at expressing himself. You are torn between his overt actions and his inner feelings. And no matter how much advice you receive from those who don't like seeing you hurt, you cannot stop loving him. Eventually reality sinks in like a blow to the midsection.

We cannot make people love us the way we want them to, and even though we close our eyes to the truth, that moment will come and when it does, it hurts. Love is strong; it wields a power like none other! The certainty is, no one can and will love us the way the Lord does! Yes, I fully understand that knowing this does not ease the pain. It doesn't make the feelings go away, or diminish the need for companionship. God, in His infinite wisdom knew that and He made Eve for Adam. But life has taught every Eve is not guaranteed an Adam and every Ruth will not have a Boaz. We have to accept it! Nope, not an easy task to accomplish. However, we can, through prayerful communication with Our Father, do anything! We have to learn to put every part of our lives in God's capable and loving hands, and not take it back. We have to move the anxiety aside, knowing the Lord is going to provide us with all our needs and some of our wants. But, it will be according to His will; and that may not include a mate. Philippians 4:6-7; 13

Rest assured when "he" doesn't love you, "He" always loves you with a love that is unconditional! 1 John 4:7-18.

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