Thursday, November 7, 2013

CONDUITS OF COMFORT - Part One: When Does the Hurt Stop Hurting?

Have you ever been hurt so badly until you felt as if the wound would never heal? I don’t mean a physical pain, although physical discomfort is usually the catalyst. The hurt I am talking about is a mental pain, one that deeply pierces your heart with a throbbing of such intensity until it makes you feel as if you will explode! That is the kind of hurt I am talking about; the kind of hurt that makes  you cry out in torture. And all you want to know is , when does the hurt stop hurting?!

Imagine that you are a newlywed, embarking down the road of marital bliss with the man whom you think will be your mate for life. He is loving, pays so much attention to you, the proverbial “tall, dark and handsome” and you are so looking forward to sharing your life with this man. But there is a very, very dark side of him that you do not see until you say “I do”. It doesn’t take long for that dark side to emerge. 

Now imagine one day the both of you are watching television, talking about the sitcom characters and you innocently call one of them a punk. Nothing bad, just a simple not-so-horrible word; and all of a sudden you find yourself drenched with a cold glass of milk that has been thrown into your face. The milk is so cold until you can’t catch your breath and the sudden shock of the icy liquid hitting your skin causes you to convulse. You wonder where in the world that came from and what had you done to deserve it. That is just that the beginning. The next time, you don’t agree with something that he has said and suddenly you find yourself locked out of the bedroom. You live with your grandparents, so you don’t want them to know what is going on and you proceed to go and sit on the cold, damp basement steps where your grandmother finds you. How do you explain what has happened? You don’t of course, you just lie and say you locked yourself out of the room and your husband is sleep. The first lie of many.

Then other little abuses begin to happen, a quick slap in the face when you’ve “talked too much”. A swift push into a door when you’ve “disobeyed” him. Several rights to the jaw; a kick in the behind that is so forceful, you actually fall through the door, all because you forgot to bring something from the grocery store. Oh yeah, there is the push down six flights of stairs while your eight months pregnant. Then there’s the hard slam into the car door because you refused to sit and listen to someone humiliate him! There is the time you’re knocked down so much until you don’t even have the strength to pick yourself up so you just lie there. There are the times that you find out he is cheating on you; sometimes with women that you thought were your friends. There are the countless times that you’ve stood in the middle to absorb a blow meant for one of your children. Innocent little children who did not understand why daddy hated them! And what about the many, many times you tried to get away only to have your plans found out and been punished for being “bad”. Then you were threatened with fatal harm if you ever tried it again. Or, make that worse, your children were threatened. At this point, it stops becoming a physical pain but a mental hurt. A hurt that makes you want to die, but you cannot stand the thought of leaving your children to the care of him. You haven’t shared anything with your family. You are terrified! The hurt intensifies as your situation becomes hopeless and your feel your life, your spirit, just draining away. What do you do? What did you do? When does the hurt stop hurting? You blame yourself because certainly there has to been something that you did to induce the hurt. You were not a good wife. You were not pretty enough, or smart enough, or did not satisfy him in the many a ways a wife was supposed to. You were not spiritual enough. You did not make a good impression on his family. You were just so inadequate in so many ways until improvement was impossible. The hurt was unbearable and it just would not stop! Your only solace is in the comfort of your prayers to the Lord. 

It was decades that the abuse went gone on. Your children have grown up, they are now self-sufficient. You don’t have to protect them anymore, now they are protecting you. You don’t want them to be your protector. You have a protector, the Almighty, the Omnipotent, the Greatest and now is the time. You don’t take the abuse anymore. You don’t give in anymore. You find that courage to finally issue an ultimatum…that marriage becomes history! You don’t care that he has made a last ditch effort to belittle you and plummet your self-esteem even lower than it already is. You try to look past the ugly words he tosses at you as he laughs in your face: “You are ugly and fat and you will never find anyone else!” You ignore it, but you are still left with the hurt and it continues to hurt. 

Now you are left to pick up the pieces and contend with the hurt that others hurl at you; the biting, stinging words, spoken out of ignorance. Things like, “I would have never stayed in that marriage”; “Just one time and I would have been gone”; “It was your fault for staying”; “You were the fool”, “I would  not have given him a second chance”…….yada, yada, yada…and all of this is fine and well. And when you look back it, sure you stayed in the marriage too long. Perhaps you should have left the first time. You were just married, you were confused, for a long time you blamed yourself. However, none of those who had such wonderful “after advice” lived your life; faced your threats; feared for their children’s world; feared for their very own existence; or wanted to go to a corner, curl up in a ball and quietly die. But whatever the truth, no one had the right to judge you! Whatever the truth, nothing gave him the right to be abusive…to feel that it was okay to physically and mentally hurt someone whom he stood in front of people and God and swore he would love and cherish until death did them part. No one has that right…No One! So when does the hurt stop hurting?

It never stops hurting. But when you are a Christian, when you are in the family of Christ, through His love you find a way to look past the hurt. When it becomes the proverbial monkey on your back, as it most certainly will from time to time, you know that you have the unfailing love of the One who will never hurt you! “For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence; he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler”. Psalm 91:3-4.You think of so many verses to show how much God cares for you, even though you did not see at the time you begin the realize how much the Lord actually brought you through! “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble”. Psalm 9:9. He has always been your refuge, always been your strength, your stronghold. He has always heard your prayers and knew your tears “For he has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted, and he has not hidden his face from him, but has heard, when he cried to him”. Psalm 22:24 

No, the hurt never stops hurting but the Lord’s promises are indeed true! “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort”. Psalm 23:4 And there will come a time when you feel the hurt less, and when that little monkey decides to scuttle on back as I told you he will, your Father will be there to send him right on back where he came from; just wait on Him. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble”. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4a The hurt never stops hurting and the Lord never stops loving us and will never leave us to hurt alone. Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews13:5.


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