Friday, June 28, 2013

What Do You Have In That Bag? Part Two

Bag of Loneliness
            It is said that the most common illness of the soul is loneliness. Whether rich, poor, single, married, teenage, mid-lifer, or senior citizen, we have or will experience the affliction of loneliness. It settles upon us like a shroud, intensifying in its duration much like the permeating heat from a blazing summer sun or the freezing arctic blast of winter’s fierce iciness.  It burns into our minds and freezes our hearts. No one is immune to the devastation it can wreak in our lives.
            We don’t have to be in an empty room or faced with solitude to be lonely. Loneliness can occur in a crowded room, in the midst of a swarm of family and friends. Loneliness is a feeling of utter “alone-ness”.
            For me, loneliness was looking around and feeling like there was nothing for me. In this huge expanse of universe, the only existence for me was me. There was no one upon whom I could lean on – lean into, and rely upon to help me conquer my doubts and fears. When I walked in the sunlight, I cast no shadow; when I looked into the mirror, there was no reflection. My world was black and white; there was no color to help define my joy for there wasn’t any. I felt forsaken by God, by family, by self.
            There were times in my life when I was so lonely until I would sit or lay and cry for hours. I’d pray and pray, and ask God how long I would have to endure such loneliness. I would reflect upon the scriptures and remember that He said He would supply all of my needs, yet here I was, so very lonely. Was companionship not a need? Where was God, and why had He abandoned me yet again? How could He go back on His promises to me? Didn’t He know what I was going through? Of course He did! Jesus knew what I was going through. I know he had his share of loneliness; after all, He became a man and shared in our emotions on our level. Hebrews 2:14 confirms, “Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil.” Christ was both human divine, He is well aware of our needs. His “humanness” allows him to identify with us as found in Philippians 2:5-8.
            David shares so much with us to remind us that God is always with us, no matter what we are going through, including the overwhelming pain of loneliness. Sometimes loneliness is the result of a broken heart (Psalm 34:17-19) and in that God is there for us; we but only need to call out to Him. We are told in Isaiah 41:10 that the Lord is with us, and He will strengthen us! Again in Matthew 28:20, Jesus himself lets us know that He will be with us forever. Also see Hebrews 3:5. James tells us to “draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8) 
            In times when you feel alone, draw near to God and meditate on His word. If we focus more on drawing near to God and seeking His kingdom, He will supply all our needs as found in Matthew 6:33. If we spend that time focusing on God, we will have very little time to focus on our state of being.
            However, loneliness can be like a cancer, eating away at our very core. We want to feel the warmth of a human touch and therefore find ourselves engaged in relationships that we know are not good for us and are contrary to Christian morals and the Bible. Loneliness beats up on our self-esteem. We begin to feel that we are unworthy and become engulfed in hopelessness. Because we are lonely and hopeless, we fell that perhaps we have done something to cause God to agree with our self-assessment. But we cannot despair because God is there and what’s more, He cares! There is nothing in our lives too hard for God to handle, including loneliness. Jeremiah tells us, the Lord says, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27) When loneliness overcomes you, take the time to commune with God. Ask for His guidance and trust that He will deliver you from the grips of loneliness. He will be that light that shines through the heavy darkness of loneliness. He will be the substance for that void; He will be the shadow of your footsteps in the sunlight, and your reflection in the mirror. He will be the calm that overcomes the terror and He will be the bearer of your burdens when they seem unbearable. For He says in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light”
            Remember, even if you are in the desert and all you can see for miles and miles is sand; you are not alone! You might not see that other set of footprints, but be assured that the Lord is there. He is holding your hand as you embark on that scorching, seemingly endless journey by yourself. He is holding you in an encompassing embrace when you feel as if there is no one in the world who cares about you! Pray and ask God to calm you. Let your mind flow to a place of peace. When loneliness grabs you and threatens to hold you forever, think of David’s Lord in the twenty-third Psalm, for that is your Lord also! What an awesome God we serve! One that will never leave us; One who will walk with us through the lowest, loneliest times of our lives. When doubt rears its ugly head and crowds you, try a little loneliness, for God is in the midst! So turn that bag upside down, watch despair run out and loneliness dissipate; knowing that God is with you and He will see you through everything!

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