Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I’ve asked myself this question many times…why?  Because I have a story to tell; I have a wealth of experiences to share; I have a purpose to fulfill, and I have a destiny to meet. I want the opportunity to communicate with an audience larger than the ones that I am used to. I’ve experienced so much of life from the very bad to the very good – and who knows how these experiences will affect others looking for answers. So for me then, the “why” is simple… it is to be heard and to hear! I am woman, hear me roar? No I am a Christian woman; let us humbly converse about God, Christian living, relationships, and life.  So let us travel through life, and along the way, express our thoughts, our feelings, our fears and our hopes. Along the way let us examine spirituality and Spirituality! Express, Share, Feel  

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