Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Coins Under The Cushion

I am a grandmother and I have little and not so little grandchildren. When they all get together at my house, I know what the end results will be when they leave…it’s deep cleaning time! You’d be amazed at the stuff I find under the cushions of my sofa. Well…maybe not if you have little ones around whether your children or your children’s children. Anyway, when I move those sofa cushions, I can go shopping! Coins, coins, coins in every nook and cranny! Okay, so maybe they are mostly pennies and maybe I can’t go shopping…right away. But pennies do add up. 100 equals a dollar, 200 is two dollars…you get the picture. It may take a while, but if you’re persistent in seeking the coins, eventually you’ll find enough to make a monetary difference. So it is with our Christian walk, persistence in seeking the Word pays off in the end!

The word coin has many definitions, i.e., a small piece of metal, usually flat and circular, authorized by a government for use as money; metal money considered as a whole; a flat circular piece or object felt to resemble metal money: a pizza topped with coins of pepperoni, or in architecture - a corner or cornerstone. (onlinedictionary.com) I want to concentrate on the architectural definition cornerstone. A cornerstone is a foundation; just like a single penny is the cornerstone for a dollar, it’s valuable is beyond measure, for without those many, many pennies we would not have those many, many dollars!

Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of our religious dollar! (Mark 12:10-11) He is the foundation and staying in His word adds up and pays us great dividends in the end. Sometimes when we see those coins under the cushion, we just toss them because they are more of a nuisance than anything else and we just can’t see their value. Didn’t they do the very same thing to our Lord and Savior? (Psalm 118:22) They could not see His value or just didn’t want to be bothered with counting the wealth they possessed by knowing Him! Even after being told of the treasures they would inherit by realizing the Lord was the foundation of untold wealth, the ancient world still tossed him aside.(Isaiah 28:16; Matthew 21:42) Don’t we do the same? We are so concerned with the end results, that we forget the foundation. We don’t want the small things, we want the huge things; we want what the world considers prosperity and forget that a single coin is the catalyst for growth. We don’t want to wait until the dividends begin adding up, we want our portion now!

We toss out the coins under the cushion because they are not bringing in the payments we want right now.  But remember that if you don’t invest, you don’t reap the benefits. It is imperative we start investing those coins we find under the cushion; in Christian “talk”, we need to start saving the Word of God in our hearts to begin our accumulation of spiritual wealth. Only then will we reap the benefits of an eternal existence with our Savior…a dividend that is unmatchable!

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