Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Accepting God's Forgiveness

God is merciful. He is gracious. We could never do enough to earn the grace of salvation. Just as every obedient person from Abel to the Jews on the day of Pentecost, we do whatever our Father specifically requires of us, whether or not it seems to make sense. We then follow His general commands to the best of our abilities--and with the right attitude, realizing that God expects only a reasonable service.

I am not perfect, and I never will be. I must constantly ask for forgiveness as I realize my imperfections and repent of them. I realize God has given both specific commands and general commands. I must follow the specific instructions, and I gladly fulfill the general mandates by my reasonable service from a heart overflowing with thankfulness for His grace which I could never deserve.

None of us can live a victorious life it we feel that we must earn every step of our salvation. It is utterly impossible. Such an attitude brings only frustration to those honest enough to realize their own inadequacy. By our faith-belief coupled with obedience-we leap into God's arms of grace. We cannot live victoriously without accepting God's forgiveness, and in turn, forgiving ourselves.

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